HMRC Disability Roadmap

At the last disabled customer consultation group meeting it was explained that HMRC want to re-launch the disability road map.  The roadmap sets out key objectives both for HMRC team and the wider HMRC, and that they want to keep the roadmap fresh and relevant so that it can drive forward improvements in HMRCs customer services for disabled people.

Since the existing roadmap was written, there has been a lot of change in HMRC some of which imposed by the tough spending review settlement in 2010.  The roadmap needs updating to keep it relevant. 

The first draft of the activities that is thought should be on the roadmap can be found here.   

HMRC welcome your response/challenge – Please send your response directly to HMRC, Janet Davison, by 23 July 2012, with a copy to UK Council on Deafness,

When comments have been received, there will be a further round of internal consultation, followed by an update on the roadmap prior to the re-launch planned for October.