APPG on Deafness

The APPG on Deafness held its AGM last Tuesday, 5th September and re-register as an APPG following the general election.

We are delighted to announce that at this meeting, Jim Fitzpatrick MP (Labour, Polar and Limehouse) was reappointed unopposed as Chair of the Group.  Full details of appointed officers can be found at


During the AGM a good discussion took place on Access to Work and BSL Language recognition.  The minutes of the meeting and previous meetings can be viewed at or here:

APPG on Deafness Minutes [PDF]

A survey on the AtW cap has been created, details of which can be found here.  The All Party Parliamentary Group on Deafness (APPG) and UK Council on Deafness (UKCoD) are supporting this survey. We need to gather further evidence on the ATW cap before engaging with the Minister for the Disabled (Penny Morduant MP) and the Department of Work and Pensions.

IMPORTANT: The survey needs to be completed before Friday 22nd September 2017