CEO Appointment at The Ear Foundation

left to right, Sue Archbold Chief Executive of The Ear Foundation, John Atkins, outgoing Chairman of The Ear Foundation and new CEO Melanie Gregory

Left to Right – Sue Archbold,  CEO of The Ear Foundation, John Atkins, outgoing Chairman of The Ear Foundation and new CEO Melanie Gregory


The Ear Foundation has announced the appointment of a new Chief Executive, Melanie Gregory,  who will take up post on 1 August 2016, working with the current Chief Executive, Sue Archbold, until she retires in October. Sue Archbold, who  was the first employee at The Ear Foundation when it was founded in 1990, says: “We have been extremely fortunate to recruit Melanie, and  having got to know her well over the last few years, I am happy that I couldn’t be handing over to a better person.  I know The Ear Foundation and its great team will be safe and grow in her hands.”

Melanie has expressed her delight at the exciting and challenging role she is ready to take up and is really looking forward to joining The Ear Foundation team in the near future.

Melanie is a qualified speech language therapist and audiologist and brings 20 years’ experience working with adults and children with hearing loss and their families. She currently works with the IDA Institute and has worked extensively with cutting-edge hearing technologies. She has seen the wealth of choice and opportunity that technology brings to those with hearing loss, providing access to language, education and reaching personal potential.

Her background and experience make her the perfect person to lead and take forward the work of The Ear Foundation, continuing to work closely with the charity’s many partners and stakeholders.


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