Sector success as action plan on hearing loss published
The UK Council on Deafness has welcomed the action plan on hearing loss as a great example of collaboration between deaf organisations.
The Hearing Loss and Deafness Alliance, chaired by Brian Lamb OBE, was central to developing the plan.
Jim Edwards, chair of the UK Council on Deafness said: “This much needed action plan is the result of a range of organisations working together to serve their communities.
“That cooperation has led to a national focus on the impacts of hearing loss and the needs of those who experience it. Coupled with the planned hearing loss commissioning framework it has the potential to make a real difference.
“This success demonstrates why the UK Council on Deafness has worked over the past year to identify a common purpose for the deaf sector. By pulling together we will make sure deafness is given the focus it needs.”
The plan was published by NHS England and the Department for Health. It was shaped by deaf people, the organisations that work with and for them, Public Health England, other government departments and businesses.
It will help commissioners, Clinical Commissioning Groups, GPs and healthcare providers reduce the negative impacts of hearing loss by promoting prevention, encouraging early diagnosis and improving how services are delivered.