Research with text relay users

Ofcom logo.

Ofcom has commissioned Facts International and Opinion Leader to carry out research into users’ experience of text relay.

As you know, text relay has been now been available via the NGT app for six months.  (The service remains available via textphones, but to benefit from the enhanced features of NGT you need to use the app.)  Ofcom is carrying out a two-stage research project to find out about the experiences of users before and after the introduction of NGT.

The first stage took place last year and the second stage is now beginning.

To get a good understanding of users’ views of text relay, they want to talk to many different users, including people who are deaf, hearing-impaired or speech-impaired, as well as hearing users of the relay service.  You do not need to be using the NGT app – they are interested in the views of all text relay users, including textphone users.

They would like to hear from people who are:

  • aged 16 or over;
  • using text relay (involving a relay assistant) at least once a month, and
  • willing to complete a short survey, either online or face-to-face with an interviewer, and diary task.

Communication support will be arranged on request for face-to-face interviews.  To say thank you for taking part, they will be giving a £30 payment.

To take part in this valuable research, please visit: 

If you have any questions about the research, please contact:

The research team at Facts International on 01233 648532 or email