NHS 24 online BSL Video Relay Interpreting Service pilot launches phase 2


NHS 24 online BSL Video Relay Interpreting Service pilot, which aims to improve access to health services for people in Scotland who are Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing will launch phase 2 of this pilot service on Monday 2nd March 2015.

The new extended online interpreting service, re-branded as contactSCOTLAND, will allow Deaf people throughout Scotland to use BSL to make contact (webcam/signing) with public services, such as, their Doctor, Police Scotland, Council Services, Housing, Social Work and NHS 24. It is NOT for Emergency 999 calls.

Christopher Jones, Chair of Deaf Access to Communications commented:

“As Chair of DAC, I welcome this very much as a positive move towards provision of accessibility and equality for Deaf people in Scotland. We do need similar schemes for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. These services are essential to the health and well being of Deaf people without which could have some serious implications.”

More information on how the BSL Video Relay Interpreting Service will work can be found on the contactSCOTLAND website at