UKCoD Trustee Election 2014
At this year’s Annual General Meeting, three Trustees will have completed their first term of three years. Caroline Player is standing down, but Michael Quinlan (Action on Hearing Loss) and Bencie Woll (DCAL) have indicated that they are happy to put their names forward for a further term of three years. Brian Archbold (formerly of The Ear Foundation) will also be standing down at the AGM, as he will have completed his second term as Trustee.
Our other Trustees are Lidia Best (National Association of Deafened People), Michael Bishop (formerly of both Action on Hearing Loss and the Hearing Aid Council), Jim Edwards (Signature), Joff McGill (Sense), and Jane Shaw (Action for Deafness).
UKCoD has had a very active year, including a Governance Review which is now being developed through a sub-committee looking at “Developing a common purpose”. Deaf Access to Communications (DAC) Special Interest Group, now chaired by Christopher Jones, is working towards the goal of achieving enhanced accessibility in electronic communications for deaf, deafened, DeafBlind and hard of hearing; and the Deaf Health Champions (DHC) project with SignHealth is doing some excellent work in the North West of England. The Access to Work (AtW) sub-group, chaired by David Buxton, has effectively lobbied on a review of AtW.
Please consider whether you can nominate yourself or a senior representative from your own organisation to join our Board, as we endeavour to move UKCoD forward. There are four vacancies on our Board and, out of that number, two of our current Trustees have agreed to put their names forward for a second term. If we have more than four nominations in total, a ballot will be held
Nominations should please be made on the 2014 Trustee Election – Nomination Form and sent with brief biographical information (maximum 170 words) to our Registered Address or by e-mail to our Company Secretary Brian Archbold whose e-mail address is
Nominations need to be received by Monday 1st September at the latest.
In the event that a ballot is required, this will take place at the end of September, so that the results can be announced at our AGM in October/November – date to be announced.
2014 Trustee Election – Nomination Form (word doc)