Chair of Deaf Access to Communications Appointed

Congratulations to Christopher Jones who has recently been appointed as the new Chair of Deaf Access to Communications (DAC).

Christopher has taught, written and researched on a wide variety of areas, including relay services, and has many years experience supporting campaigns related to access for deaf.

At the DAC Strategic Executive meeting held last week, Christopher stated:

‘As your new Chair of DAC, I look forward very much working with my Strategic Executive towards a goal of achieving enhanced accessibility in electronic communications for deaf, deafened, deaf blind and hard of hearing.  This will include a range of modern relay services, remote communication support services, better quality subtitling on TV and ensure new forthcoming technology is accessible to all of us.  This would lead better independence especially in the place of work and increased enjoyment of TV and its related services such as video on demand.’

UKCoD Chair, Jim Edwards and the Board welcome Christopher and look forward to working with him.

Website: Deaf Access to Communications