We are pleased to announce the launch on 1st October 2012 of the UKCoD’s special interest group named Deaf Access to Communications (DAC).
UKCoD and TAG have been working together in the last 2 years on the campaign for modernised relay services and recently on the review of the Communications Act to which they have jointly responded.
Last July UKCoD and TAG agreed to formally combine their campaign work in the e-communications sector by setting up the new group within UKCoD. The Deaf Access to Communications group creates the opportunity for those organisations and individuals who were engaged in the campaign work with UKCoD and TAG to join forces and combine their skills, energy and focus in the pursuit of improved and equal access to e-communications for deaf people.
Deaf people’s lives are hugely affected by the quality of access to e-communications (telecommunications, broadcasting, etc.). The Deaf Access to Communications group welcomes interest in its work – anyone who would like to receive regular updates and information on its work can sign up at the UKCoD/DAC web site when this is set up.
With this joint venture, UKCoD and TAG celebrate TAG’s achievements during its 26 years of campaigning to remove access barriers in this electronic communications sector.
Jim Edwards (Chair, UKCoD) and Ruth Myers (Chair, TAG)
- UKCoD is the UK Council for Deafness. (
- TAG operated as a consortium of deaf organisations to promote access to electronic communications for deaf people. (
- More information on DAC will be made available on the UKCoD web site shortly.
- DAC can be accessed on Facebook: and on Twitter:
- The reference to ‘deaf’ comprises deaf, deafblind, deafened and hard of hearing people.