Conference Summary

Craig Crowley, Chair UK Council on Deafness was delighted with the success of our recent conference, hosted by BT at BT Tower, London and summarised the outcomes of the day.

Jim Fitzpatrick/APPG

  • We will continue to support Jim, Lilian and the APPG.
  • Encourage your members and beenficiaries to contact their MP and tell them to take part in the debate on 30 November – and join the APPG!

Access to telecommunications

  • Still some way to go to catch up with other countries to provide telecommunication equivalence.
  • The presentation from ACE shows it is possible; why is the UK government so behind when the services, such as those provided by SignVideo and others, are available?
  • Thanks to DAC for its work with BT and Ofcom. There is more for UKCoD to do on this issue and we will be focusing on it in the next year.

Access to broadcasting

  • Sky and iPlayer have shown it’s possible to do much more.
  • And we have seen the technology is improving all the time.
  • Good to hear encouraging words from Ofcom Chair Dame Patricia HODGSON. We, UKCoD, DAC in partnership with Action on Hearing Loss and the APPG on Deafness, will be working with her predecessor and in Parliament to deliver the secondary legislation.
  • Please Remember to respond to the consultation. Very important!

Thanks to BT for hosting their BT Tower and to SignLive, ITV, Red Bee, Deluxe and Geemarc for sponsoring this event.