Dawn Butler MP raises question in Sign Language in Parliament
Dawn Butler MP calls for BSL Act
Labour MP Dawn Butler has been praised for using sign language to ask a question in the House of Commons about giving it legal status.
Ms Butler’s question will help to raise awareness about the lack of accessible information for Deaf people and encourage Parliament to consider the importance of a BSL Act.
The British Deaf Association said it was “delighted” Ms Butler had requested for Parliament to give the language legal status.
“We very much hope that the House will take note and consider Ms Butler’s early day motion as a priority to ensure that deaf people are part of the UK’s determination to be a leader in business and trade,” it said.
A House of Commons spokesman said “as far as records indicate” it is the first time sign language has been used to ask a question in the Chamber.
Dr Jan Sheldon, CEO of The Royal Association for Deaf people said that “Ms Butler’s question today should at the very least prick the conscience of our Government”.