Roger Hewitt – OfV
Roger Hewitt – Opportunities for Volunteering (OfV)
At yesterday’s UKCoD conference on the latest hearing technologies, John Brennan (Director of UKCoD) reminded everyone of the huge contribution that Roger Hewitt had made through managing the Opportunities for Volunteering scheme (OfV). Many organisations throughout the UK that support deaf people have a lot to be grateful for, due to the knowledge and professionalism that Roger brought to his role.
Sadly UKCoD’s OfV Grant is not being renewed, so Roger will be leaving UKCoD at the end of March. On behalf of the Trustees of UKCoD, John presented to Roger an inscribed silver salver and a couple of brandy glasses as a memento of his time with UKCoD, and it came with the grateful thanks for all Roger had done.
Roger responded, stating how pleased he was to have made a difference to so many people through the volunteering scheme. He gave as an example Jane Shaw, who was in the audience. Jane started off as a volunteer; and is now Chief Executive Officer of Action for Deafness and is also a Trustee of UKCoD.
Brian Archbold, 28 March 2012